Biocomputation Initiative


Salk Institute for Biological Studies - Biocomputation Initiative - Overview

Biocomputation Initiative

The Salk Institute is navigating the future of biocomputation by addressing the challenges posed by increasingly data-intensive research in biological sciences. The Crick-Jacobs Center for Theoretical and Computational Biology, established in 2003, has played a crucial role in managing and interpreting complex datasets through advanced computational tools. With the advent of artificial intelligence and machine learning (AI/ML), Salk scientists have achieved significant breakthroughs in aging research, cancer biology, immunology, neuroscience, and plant biology. The institute is now turning to cloud computing and forming partnerships with computer scientists to handle tasks that exceed individual laboratory capacities.

The Salk Institute has recruited dedicated IT leaders, software developers, and biocomputational experts while investing in advanced computing infrastructure to meet future demands. This infrastructure recognizes software’s critical role in enabling scale. It embraces architectures like Docker containerization, Kubernetes, and Terraform for resource management. The institute will also invest in GPU and CPU computing hardware (in a hybrid mode with resources on-premises and the cloud) to support AI/ML applications, which are crucial for analyzing large datasets and driving scientific discoveries. These efforts aim to create a sustainable and world-class biocomputation infrastructure, positioning Salk for future scientific advancements.

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