Education Outreach


Salk Institute for Biological Studies - Education Outreach - About

Education Outreach

Jonas Salk founded the Salk Institute with the philosophy that it should both drive scientific breakthroughs and inspire the next generation of elite scientists. Out of Jonas Salk’s vision, the Institute’s Education Outreach department was born. Its mission is threefold:

  • To teach students, teachers, and the community about scientific literacy in addition to the role of basic biological research in our world.
  • To inspire enthusiasm and interest in advanced levels of science instruction, and particularly in science as a career.
  • To promote public awareness of Salk and the value of basic research as it relates to career readiness, critical thinking skills, and the development of an informed citizenry.

Salk Education Outreach serves San Diego county students of all ages through its core programs:

  • Heithoff-Brody High School Summer Scholars – [link]
  • High School Science Day – [link]
  • Salk Science Curriculum and School Visits – [link] and the
  • Ellen Potter Research Connections for Teachers Symposium – [link]

These programs are offered at no cost to students, teachers, and schools, thereby reducing economic barriers to high quality STEM education. Over the past 40 years, Salk Education Outreach has delivered innovative, engaging STEM learning experiences to thousands of students — a majority of whom come from underrepresented and underserved communities. Salk’s world-class faculty and staff are key partners in Salk Education Outreach, imparting their passion and knowledge of innovative research that impacts human health to help inspire and launch the next generation of scientists.

To learn more about Education Outreach programs, please browse the pages in this section or email