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8:45am |
8:55 am |
Steve Kay, Ph.D. |
“Joanne Chory – Innovating and Impacting the future of Plant Science”
Light Signaling: Then and Now |
9:10 am |
Jason Reed, Ph.D. |
“The long and short of hypocotyls” |
9:30 am |
Christian Fankhauser, Ph.D. |
“From PKS1 and HFR1 to the study of phototropism and shade-avoidance” |
9:50 am |
Eirini Kaiserli, Ph.D. |
“Light and flowering regulators convene in nuclear photobodies” |
Ullas Pedmale, Ph.D. |
“The reds and the blues of the shade avoidance response” |
10:30 am Coffee Break |
Auxin and the Shade Avoidance Response: Then and Now |
10:50 am |
Meng Chen, Ph.D. |
“Signaling output mechanisms of plant phytochromes” |
11:10 am |
Yunde Zhao, Ph.D. |
“Regulation of auxin biosynthesis in Arabidopsis” |
11:30 am |
Jennifer Nemhauser, Ph.D. |
“Seven things I learned from Joanne” |
11:50 am |
Zuyu Zheng, Ph.D. |
“Auxin metabolic pathways modulate plant shade avoidance responses” |
12:10 pm Lunch – Foyer
Brassinosteroids: The Chory Lab Cleans Up! |
Jianming Li, Ph.D |
“Regulation of BIN2 activity by brassinosteroids” |
Zhiyong Wang, Ph.D. |
“Brassinosteroid signaling and beyond” |
Sigal Savaldi-Goldstein, Ph.D. |
“Understanding coherent growth: brassinosteroid activity gets context” |
Xuelu Wang, Ph.D. |
“Brassinosteroids control plant architecture through cell cycle regulation in monocots” |
Michael Hothorn, Ph.D. |
“Plant membrane signal transduction by LRR receptor kinases” |
From Retrograde Signaling to Chloroplast Quality Control |
Åsa Strand, Ph.D. |
“Chloroplast development; a tale of two genomes” |
Jesse Woodson, Ph.D. |
“Balancing energy production with stress: Chloroplasts as environmental sensors” |
3:30 pm Coffee Break |
We Go Full Circle: Light Signaling Variation in the Natural World |
3:50 pm |
Julin Maloof, Ph.D. |
“Exploring natural variation in tomato shade avoidance” |
Justin Borevitz, Ph.D. |
“20 years of Arabidopsis natural variation Genomics2Phenomics2Climate” |
Closing Remarks |
Detlef Weigel, Ph.D. |
“Looking Back and Looking Ahead |