April 2, 2023

2023 Kavli Small Equipment Grants

Salk News

2023 Kavli Small Equipment Grants

Congratulations to the awardees of the 2023 Kavli Small Equipment Grants! The program provides funds to buy or build small equipment designed to strengthen research capacity and capability.

The three proposals were funded:

The goal of the 2023 Kavli Small Equipment Grants Program is to provide funds to buy or build small equipment designed to strengthen research capacity and capability. The grant has a total funding amount of $200,000 and awards range from a minimum of $10,000 up to $100,000. This year, the research area focus was labs working on neuroscience, particularly Alzheimer’s, as well as cancer research.

In alignment with Salk’s strong tradition of sharing equipment among labs, equipment funded by the Kavli Small Equipment Grants Program will be available to Kavli Institute for Brain and Mind (KIBM) researchers at Salk.

For More Information

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Tel: (858) 453-4100

The Salk Institute For Biological Studies:

Unlocking the secrets of life itself is the driving force behind the Salk Institute. Our team of world-class, award-winning scientists pushes the boundaries of knowledge in areas such as neuroscience, cancer research, aging, immunobiology, plant biology, computational biology and more. Founded by Jonas Salk, developer of the first safe and effective polio vaccine, the Institute is an independent, nonprofit research organization and architectural landmark: small by choice, intimate by nature, and fearless in the face of any challenge.