June 11, 2018

Message from the Chairman of the Board and President

Salk News

Message from the Chairman of the Board and the President

On June 11, 2018, Salk’s Board of Trustees met to discuss the findings of the Institute’s investigation into allegations against Dr. Inder Verma. Our commitment from the outset has been to undertake an investigatory process that is thorough and impartial and to take action as appropriate. Although we will not comment on the details of this confidential personnel matter, we wanted to share with you the outcome of this process.

Based on the findings of the investigator, the Institute has considered appropriate responsive action. Last week, prior to the board concluding its discussions regarding the investigation and taking formal action, Dr. Verma tendered his unconditional resignation. This morning, the Board of Trustees voted unanimously to accept it.

As we have acknowledged, this has been a challenging time for the Institute. We have been heartened by the way the Salk community has come together and worked together to face these challenges.

When we signed on to be part of the Salk, we signed on to Jonas Salk’s bold mission to better humanity. And no humanistic value can be more important than respectful, fair treatment of each and every person – not just on our campus, but in all walks of our lives.


Dan Lewis, Chair, Board of Trustees

Rusty Gage, President

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Tel: (858) 453-4100

The Salk Institute For Biological Studies:

Unlocking the secrets of life itself is the driving force behind the Salk Institute. Our team of world-class, award-winning scientists pushes the boundaries of knowledge in areas such as neuroscience, cancer research, aging, immunobiology, plant biology, computational biology and more. Founded by Jonas Salk, developer of the first safe and effective polio vaccine, the Institute is an independent, nonprofit research organization and architectural landmark: small by choice, intimate by nature, and fearless in the face of any challenge.