Gene Transfer, Targeting and Therapeutics
Viral Vector Core


Salk Institute for Biological Studies - Gene Transfer, Targeting and Therapeutics
Viral Vector Core - People

Facility Staff

John Naughton

Assistant Director - GT3 Core

As Assistant Director of the Gene Transfer, Targeting and Therapeutics Viral Vector Core Facility at the Salk Institute, John Naughton’s main focus is on providing comprehensive resources to facilitate the safe and effective use of viral and non-viral gene transfer technologies to study critical problems in all aspects of biological research.

John Naughton is experienced with HIV research and has a background in gene delivery and targeting using multiple viral-vector systems. He provides management and oversight for all GT3 Core resources and is the primary point of contact for any inquiries regarding core services or resources.

John Marlett

Research Assistant - GT3 Core

As the senior Research Assistant for the Salk Institute GT3 Core, John Marlett assist with all aspects of virus production and assuring smooth core operations. He has a particular focus on the production of modified rabies, high-titer custom lentiviral, retroviral, adenoviral and rAAV vectors for multiple investigators.

Nien Hoong

Research Assistant - GT3 Core

Nien has years of working experience in lentiviral and AAV viral production. He also helps GT3 core maintaining all the stock plasmids for AAV and lenti viral production.

Barbara Miller

Research Assistant - GT3 Core

Bobbi Miller has decades of experience in viral vector production and is the resident specialist for lentiviral and retroviral preparation. She is also skillful in the manufacture of custom AAV viral vectors.