The Paul F. Glenn Center for Biology of Aging Research


Salk Institute for Biological Studies - The Paul F. Glenn Center for Biology of Aging Research - Fellows


The Paul F. Glenn Center for Biology of Aging Research supports postdoctoral associates and graduate students, termed Glenn Fellows, working in the laboratories of the Glenn Investigators, focusing on innovative questions that address the biology of aging.

Megan Anderson (Graduate Student, Chalasani laboratory)
Developing sonogenetic tools to alleviate symptoms of age-associated neurodegenerative diseases in rodent models

Emily Fennell, PhD (Postdoctoral Fellow, Metallo Laboratory)
Pipeline for quantifying nucleic acid catabolism and recycling

Sagnika Ghosh, PhD (Postdoctoral Fellow, Shadel Laboratory)
Role of Interferon-Stimulated Gene 15 in Cellular Aging

Aidan Glina (Graduate Student, Panda Laboratory)
Youth through Network Biology: uncovering the genetic pathogenesis of aging through novel implication network modeling techniques

Melanie Kaiser (Exchange student, Karlseder Laboratory)
Tackling Telomere-to-Mitochondria Signaling in Replicative Crisis

Irene Lopez, PhD (Postdoctoral Fellow, Kaech Laboratory)
Beneficial and detrimental effects of T lymphocytes-derived cytokines in microglia functional states and brain aging

Jessica Roginsky (Graduate Student, Kaech Laboratory)
Infectious history as a determinant of age-related inflammation in Alzheimer’s disease

Tao Tao, PhD (Postdoctoral associate, Allen Laboratory)
The role of astrocyte-secreted lgfbp2 in the progression of Alzheimer’s disease

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